(Trial) Orrokk, Resto Shaman


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(Trial) Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Melbu » Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:43 pm

Orrokk wrote:1. Orrokk
2. Shaman, Tauren, Restoration
3. Korgath

4. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... k/advanced

5. I am usually online every evening during the week. With my regular work schedule ( Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm eastern ) making raid should never be an issue. Attendance and punctuality are very important to me so I make sure that I am available at least 15 to 30 minutes before raid time. On the rare occasion where I would miss a raid or be late for an emergency, I always let people know in advance, usually by using the armory mobile app ( Which rarely happens, I haven't missed a raid so far in WoD ). also, there are no change in my schedule in the foreseeable future.

6. When it comes to prior raiding experience I don't have to go that far back, I started playing the game during the middle of Wotlk, I was mostly learning the game and was never really interested into raiding. the only raiding experience I had in wrath was from pugs basically. With the release of Cata I made the decision to finally start raiding, so, I joined a nice little 10 man guild on my resto shaman without much aspiration. I feel in love with the class/spec, which is why i still play him today. we progressed through BWD and BoT clearing normal and some heroic bosses. then we moved into Firelands for a couple weeks until we cleared normal and some heroic bosses until we decided to take a break from WoW. I came back to WoW late into MoP, gearing myself up from LFR and joined a guild that was doing some flex raiding casually. Up until a couple guys from the casual guild asking me to go with them in another guild, No Worries, and start doing normal. while we started late we ended up clearing normal and up to H thok pre 6.0, which was the most fun I had in the game so far. With WoD release, the recruitment for the guild and keeping a decent roster for mythic raiding was a constant battle, since we had to double our raid size. We ended up clearing heroic Highmaul and M Kargath. We also went 9/10H on BRF before having even more people leaving without the replacement available.

7. Which get us to why I am leaving my current guild, with the attendance issue we had, and the lack of raiders on our alliance heavy server, there wasn't anymore solution left for us to save the guild. This is why we decided to just end it right now, no point into staying on a sinking boat. Right now, I am looking for a guild that will let me grow to my full potential, with comparable goals and mindsets to progress into this game that I love. I believe that Spike Flail is the place I need to be in to achieve these goals.

8. Being a healer, I believe that stats priorities, while important, are less mandatory than for dps. In my opinion, the knowledge of the fights is a lot more important than the bonus you would get from stats.

Regarding these stats, the way i'm gearing my resto shaman is pretty straightforward among all of us. First, we have our mastery which increase the healing done by all my spells including my totems based on the current health of the person healed. This is really the best stats for us on progression fights while it does fall off when the content gets on farm and people don't need as much heal as they use to. In second, there is haste, it simply allows us to cast more spells and get more ticks from our only HoT, riptide. then come Multistrike and Critical strike which are on par. Multistrike is more of a throughput stat while you gain a bit of mana regen from crit because of resurgence ( not as noticeable as it was in MoP ). I almost forgot about spirit, my take on spirit is just to have enough to finish a progression fight with barely any mana remaining.

With the stats out of the way let's start with what makes a good resto shaman. My point of view considering shaman healing is that it's highly dependent on micromanagement of our toolkit and cooldowns. The main focus I have when I'm healing is they get as much uptime on my Healing Stream Totem, which should be close to 50%, since that totem equal for about 15 to 20% of our healing paired with the Rushing Stream Talent. next, I need to keep at least 3 riptides rolling so i can get most from my level 100 Talent High Tide and my T17 4 pieces bonus. Keeping Earth shield up on the tank at all time is also a priority so you can benefit from the 20% healing bonus on that target. Finally, since im using the Elemental Blast talent, I need to use it as much as possible for all the extra mana that it provides me.

Moving on to the cooldowns, as a resto shaman I have 3 main cooldowns. Healing Tide Totem, Ascendance and Spirit Link Totem. Usually most encounters should have predetermined cooldown rotation based on the healers composition. Using your cooldowns freely could result into a wipe. But if the encounters I'm going into doesn't need such rotation, I usually plan before the fight when I would use my cooldowns to reduce the healing stress on myself and the other healers enhancing the mana available to everyone. You basically want to get the most use of your cooldowns, an unused cooldown ends up being a lower throughput and lower mana pool for the other healers. Obviously there are these "oh shit" cooldown moment, but your main goal is to plan you usage carefully.

I strongly believe that shamans are in a good shape right now in the healing meta. I consider them as important as a restoration druid is as a throughput healer. they have a great diversity of cooldowns for almost any situation. the only downside I see is the lack of movement and spread healing which can be mitigated by the Glyph of Chaining

Regarding my dual spec, Elemental, I mainly uses it to quest and out of raid things. Since I always was the main healer and Healing officer from my last guild I never had the chance nor the interest to DPS

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... est#boss=0

9. Currently, I play at 1920x1080 at 50 fps on High while in a raid. About the addons that i use, I have a bunch of Weak Auras set up, running DBM, Grid, Totem timers and Blood Legion Cooldown so I can see every mitigation/healing cooldowns available. I also have a working microphone and any communication applications.

10. Without Weakauras http://imgur.com/HtsZhIu
With Weakauras http://imgur.com/EBpGpLP

11. A bit about myself, there's not much to say, I'm a 23 years old french Canadian ( sorry for the spelling errors ). I've been working as a HVAC Technician for 3 years now. Like all Canadians I love Hockey, go Habs go. I obviously play WoW, maybe a bit too much but I like to think it's really not that bad. I like to joke around and also be pretty serous when the time calls for it. Oh and i'm fine with french jokes, I got use to it these couple years in WoW.

12. Oliqc22#1623 or Olihebert1@gmail.com
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Melbu » Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:44 pm

this isnt a bad app, we just dont really have the room

on a side note, This guy, Soapbubbles, Chombie and Champaign are all from the same place
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Meaning » Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:52 pm

We have to many healers already. Hard to find a spot for him.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Palin » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:15 am

I concur. I like the app a lot (haven't looked at logs but), but I don't see a spot available unfortunately. This may have to be our first "good app, no roster space" denial of the xpac, and/or keep him on the bench/backburner if the Monk doesn't work out.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Nellorae » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:22 am

Might not be a bad idea to trial them both. A little roster depth isn't bad, and if he's been an officer in a guild he's not going to give you any shit about needing to sit once in a while. Having a group 8 wait list like the good old days would do a lot to keep our raids from being cancelled when people have to miss them.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Tpz » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:11 am

definitely see no reason not to have a bit of a bench, and even some competition for trials.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by martyr » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:34 am

Tpz wrote:definitely see no reason not to have a bit of a bench, and even some competition for trials.
Competition is a good thing. Complacency is the bane of progression.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Melbu » Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:24 pm

right its not a bad idea, however we have at current count a roster of 27 that includes the 4 trials we currently have

so we are going to be sitting a decent amount of people already
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Palin » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:02 pm

Both are valid points. We already run a healer extra than we need usually for bench purposes, so it's not a usual situation where more is better.

Let me talk to him sometime the next day or two and let him know our situation, see how he feels about our healer situation and potential lack of fulltime playing time.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Javasauce » Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:52 am

Don't know if anyone noticed, but looks like he transferred over and joined Overwatch instead.

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... okk/simple
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Melbu » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:56 am

not a huge deal. palin and I chatted with him and told him our healer situation and that that he was welcome to come over but could not guarantee a spot in the main raiding force and even then there would be some sort of rotation amongst the healers. it was a lesser need then his tank buddy

palin was supposed to get back to him with more info, not sure if he did or not but its fine either way
he said he was gonna come to malganis anyway to get off their shit server
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Sunbro » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:02 am

senpai java

is this cunt better than the hpally that apped?

cuz he makes me feel

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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Javasauce » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:20 am

man this guy found a new guild on Mal'Ganis like a month ago lol, dunno why this isn't closed

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... okk/simple

EDIT: Didn't see what was said in that hpal's thread about this dude being available again. I thought he seemed decent, but some of the stuff in his app is a little weird. Shit like this -
Being a healer, I believe that stats priorities, while important, are less mandatory than for dps. In my opinion, the knowledge of the fights is a lot more important than the bonus you would get from stats.
Sure, I guess there's a point there. But if we're trying to be semi-tryhards, I don't know if that's the right attitude (although he does go into the stats below that statement, and his idea of priorities seems to be fairly accurate).

The paragraph after his "not-so-important" stat priorities is pretty much just reading tooltips on abilities and saying why they're neat.

His initial logs looked really impressive, but that seems to be because they were 4-healing everything when he was back on Korgath, and he was the he "main healer/Healing officer" which sort of makes me think he made it easy on himself to parse well (CD usage wise), but I could be wrong. Anyway, here's the only thing I could find from his current guild after transferring: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/x1 ... pe=healing

Not to say 43k HPS is garbage, but it does seem like things have changed for him. Could just be getting adjusted to a new group/healing setup.

Lastly, he's using Echo of the Elements, which I can see a use for in some circumstances, but is kind of weird. He also seems adamant on never changing it. But the whole EoE vs. AS + Glyph of Riptide thing is sort of up in the air in the Shaman community, at least from what I've read.

So now that I've said some negative things, there are some positives. His UI looks pretty decent. He's got 5/10 Mythic, the same 5 bosses we have. Also I guess he likes stick-puck which is great for a good number of you guys. Also he's 694 ilvl, there's no gearing catch-up needed.

Overall, I think he's probably good enough for a trial, plus he's already on Mal'Ganis, so we could even test him out on Mythic bosses that he's had experience on.
Last edited by Javasauce on Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Melbu » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:38 am

it was closed
palin moved it back for cad

im not sure why
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Palin » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:41 am

Lurk more guys:
So Chombie just informed me the Shaman that we liked that apped a few weeks ago is still available if we do have a healing spot open. If we are going to consider another healer because of Nello's schedule and/or Steelzen not making trial, I think he's probably a better consideration anyways?
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Javasauce » Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:51 am

See my edit above pls, i wrote a book

Also, Chombie and Campaigne are good, so maybe this guy is too
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Melbu » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:26 am

Palin wrote:Lurk more guys:
So Chombie just informed me the Shaman that we liked that apped a few weeks ago is still available if we do have a healing spot open. If we are going to consider another healer because of Nello's schedule and/or Steelzen not making trial, I think he's probably a better consideration anyways?
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Melbu » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:31 am

when palin and I talked with this guy before he seemed solid, TBH we would have trialed him then if we didn't just accept steel as a healer trial
I see no real isses bringing him on

I am curious as to why he wants out of the guild hes in now
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Meaning » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:43 am

Probably wants to play with his friends.
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Re: Orrokk, Resto Shaman

Post by Rill » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:28 pm

Too many fucking Shaman...

I liked when I was the only dark blue name in the raid :(
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